Hola como estan ,este es otro post mas de autobombo :D
Me publicaron junto a otros 25 artistas del mundo en un bello libro publicado por la gente de Castle Magazine, de Alemania, el libro se llama Beyond illustration y juntó a una seleccion de gente a la que le preguntaban : que diferencias hay entre el arte y la ilustracion?
pueden ver paginas acá:
(.. que mundo generoso) y otros artistas que no conocia, con obras y puntos de vista que me asombran. En un proximo post subo mas fotos del libro, que me llegó hace poquito, tiene una edicion herrrmosa.
//////////////////////////////// english:
Mom im on a book!
Hi How are you? Ive been published in a beatiful book called Beyond Illustration, published by the people of Castle Magazine, from Deutschland, its a selection of 25 artists from all over the world who have been asked : what diferences are between illustration and art?
Its a honor for me to being part of a book together with monsters like Tomer Hanuka and Nicolas di Genova,among other artists i dont knew with works and points of view that amazes me.
In a next post i will show some more pics of the book that came to my home recently, it is very beatifully edited . Thanks Patrick !